Diana Schnetgöke has been working under the magenta color for more than 15 years. Breakpoints were different positions in the HR department. Online communication is her passion. In HR marketing she constantly tries to infect new colleagues with the coolest color ever.

Articles by Diana Schnetgöke

Your choice

 Woman points with index finger at an overlay image with mechanical wheels


Women@Technik : As a part-time manager

Follow inspiring success stories about women at Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH. Stay tuned for insights from Chapter Lead Melanie.

Magenta colored alarm clock with leafs in the background


Boosting Work Wellbeing: Tiny Habits, Big Impact

Get to know two impactful activities that require little effort and help to embed new routines in everyday life. Practiced regularly, have a positive impact on the well-being.



Female talents, apply for the Digital Female Leader Award

Telekom sponsors the "IT-Tech" category. Women with digital commitment can apply in a total of 16 categories until May 13. The award ceremony will take place in November in Karlsruhe.

 Woman points with index finger at an overlay image with mechanical wheels


Women@Technik: Exceptional development opportunities

Follow inspiring success stories about women at Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH. Cast a glance behind the scenes and stay tuned for the interview with DevOps Engineer Sabrina.