Financing mix

With financial debt (without leases) of approx. EUR 109 billion, Deutsche Telekom is one of Europe's largest bond issuers. In addition to bonds, Deutsche Telekom also uses commercial papers and promissory notes.

The instruments in detail

Below you can find more information on the financial instruments of Deutsche Telekom.

Schmuckbild City-Skyline im Hintergund - vorne Grafik Kursentwicklung


Our main sources of refinancing are the international debt capital markets, especially the euro and U.S. dollar markets.

Commercial Paper

In addition to long-term debt capital financing through bonds, we ensure our short-term debt capital financing by issuing commercial papers (CPs).

Bank financing

As a core component of our liquidity reserve, we maintain bilateral credit lines with the "Who's who" of the German and international world of banking. 

Promissory notes

Deutsche Telekom also offers its institutional investors promissory notes as another long-term financing instrument. 

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Picture Contact

Investor Relations

Deutsche Telekom


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Markus Schäfer

Markus Schäfer

Vice President Debt Capital Markets


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Galina Zhiltsova

Galina Zhiltsova

Debt Capital Markets


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
