
Training and awareness measures

Telecommunications companies must provide their staff with data privacy training at the beginning of their employment. Deutsche Telekom goes beyond this requirement.

Every two years, it trains all employees and obligates them to observe data and telecommunications secrecy, because handling data and information is a central content of Deutsche Telekom's business models and thus automatically part of our daily work with each other. Participation is therefore mandatory for all employees in the Group. 

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Deutsche Telekom trains all employees and obligates them to observe data and telecommunications secrecy. © DTAG

In addition to the mandatory training courses, the Group trains employees on special data privacy topics such as the European General Data Protection Regulation as well as in the customer and HR areas. This ensures that all employees regularly and sustainably internalize the need to comply with data protection regulations. In addition, employees have access to online tools with self-study documents, data protection presentations, and classroom events with specific focal points - for example, customer and HR data protection and data protection in call centers.

Datenschutz und Sicherheit

Data privacy and security

Find security tips and current information on data privacy and security here.