Data analysis on tablet computer.


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects are part of our strategies, objectives and policies.


Our focus

For us, key issues of good governance include data privacy and data security, a convincing corporate compliance and risk system, compliance with human rights and the design of sustainable supply chains, capital investments in accordance with environmental and social criteria, and transparent communication about our activities in the area of environmental and social sustainability.

Deutsche Telekom Logo on the roof of DT headquarters.

Risk Management

A functioning risk and opportunity management system to be a central element of value-oriented corporate governance.

Silhouette von Frau mit Koffer am Flughafen


Principles, background and measures for compliance management at Deutsche Telekom.

Deutsche Telekom AG Shareholders‘ Meeting April 10, 2024

Management and Corporate Governance

A good and sustainable corporate governance is a particular importance for Deutsche Telekom as an international company with a large number...

Datenschutz und Sicherheit

Data privacy and security

Find security tips and current information on data privaxy and security here.

Schüler sitzen im Kreis auf einer Wiese

Protection of Minors

Telekom considers the safety of children who use modern media.

A globe in between a bunch of parcels

Supply chain management

We are partners to our suppliers when it comes to a more sustainable approach to doing business.

Ein Mann hinter einem grünen Balkendiagramm

Measure success

We measure our performance using Group-wide KPIs and basing our measurements on international standards.

Stakeholder Management

Stakeholder management

We actively involve our stakeholders in our sustainability processes.

Rankings and Ratings

Socially responsible investment

We have taken part successfully for many years in ESG ratings.

Two hands painting on a block with the word KPI

Facts & Figures

ESG KPIs (key performance indicators) are used as management tools for our CR activities.
