the face of a young woman

Your final paper at Deutsche Telekom

Your final paper at Deutsche Telekom

Are you about to write a dissertation for your undergraduate or postgraduate degree? But you don’t want your writing to just end up collecting dust? Top tip: Write your final paper at Deutsche Telekom. We’ll be inspired by your ideas and you’ll gain from our knowledge – how great does that sound?

Establishing dialog between academia and the working world

Innovation and progress are firmly rooted in our corporate strategy. This is precisely why Deutsche Telekom mentors students as they write their dissertation: It promotes dialog between academia and the working world.

Face of a young woman

The best and simplest way for students to write a research paper at Deutsche Telekom is on an internship. While you are employed in one of our divisions, you will learn how we revolutionize global communication. You can also receive support from your mentor as you research a topic for your academic dissertation required for your bachelor’s or master’s degree. Students can write their dissertation at and with Deutsche Telekom and receive help with finding the right topic from experts in our various divisions – you don’t even need to complete an internship with us.

It is easier to select a topic for your dissertation when you pick Deutsche Telekom as your partner. Not only that, it is motivating and satisfying to know that Europe’s number one telecommunications service provider will benefit from your research findings. After all, if you do your bachelor’s or master’s degree with us, your work will not be a purely academic presentation but a paper with practical uses. Excellent papers will even receive a bonus from the division once the work has been published.

You have the academic prowess, we provide the practical experience – what a great team we’ll make! To make this connection, you will consult with experts who will be on hand with advice and information throughout the dissertation-writing process, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. This benefits your academic work and the close collaboration will provide valuable insights into our company, creating contacts that will be helpful way beyond the end of your studies.
