Five people are chatting excitedly in an office.

Employee networks - connect yourself with like-minded people

Career and freedom: Hand in hand

We eliminate the principle of “either or”. Because, in times of digitization, everything that makes us more flexible, free, productive, and successful is possible. With your professional and personal visions, you inspire new possibilities in everyday working life. Our employee networks help you with this. Here, you will find people who share your spirit as well as career coaching to support you with your career progression.

Three people taking a selfie.
Three people taking a selfie.
Three people taking a selfie.

Always a part of us

Even during maternity leave or parental leave, you can stay in contact with your colleagues and keep up-to-date. Our HR department organizes the “Stay in contacT” network and informs you about regelular telephone conferences, events, and individual advisory services. So you can stay informed and – if you want and whenever you want – can find inspiration on subjects like “Compatibility of work and family”, “Career paths”, or your return to everyday working life.

Father and child are flying a kite on the beach.
Father and child are flying a kite on the beach.
Father and child are flying a kite on the beach.

The role you choose

These days, many fathers take on an equal amount of childcare responsibility as mothers. And the number of fathers on parental leave is rising. Combining professional stability and family presence is particularly important to fathers today. That’s why our “fathers network” encourages the discussion and open exchange of experiences between fathers and provides support with information and tips to become more family friendly.

A family playing in the garden.
A family playing in the garden.
A family playing in the garden.

Career and kids – You can do it.

We turn challenges into solutions – for family life, for example. We show you ways in which you can combine your private requirements and desires with your professional goals. You can seek support from experienced mentors during your parental leave.

And there are also our tandem meetings and workshops, in which you can talk to your colleagues about various scenarios in daily work and management life as well as your personal further development, and gain new inspiration. All in order to implement your goals. At a pace set by you.

Job search 1260 Professional positions available in Germany!

  • IT-Security, Consulting = both terms are included
  • IT-Security Consulting = one of the two terms is included
  • "IT-Security Consulting" = both terms are included in exactly this spelling/order

Our locations

We offer attractive entry-level jobs and opportunities at locations throughout Germany. Exciting professional challenges are waiting for you nearby. So not only do we offer you professional development; we also offer you regional development.
