"Thank you for your opinion!", "How exactly do you mean that?", "I understand your point of view, even if I don't share it" - statements like these are rare on the internet. Instead, there are emotional and heated discussions, and statements are misinterpreted. Anyone who takes a different view is insulted and ostracized.
Teachtoday, Telekom's initiative to promote the safe and competent use of media by young people, therefore wants to sensitize parents, educators and adult learning companions of children and young people to an objective and fair dialog. With its new dossier "Netzdebatten” (English: Net Debates) Teachtoday therefore asks: What is communication and what forms of exchange exist? What does the debate culture on the internet look like? How can you get young people interested in debating? Why is learning the rules and techniques for a democratic exchange of opinions so important?
Debate competition: Interview with young participants
Teachtoday talked to participants in this year's federal state finals of the initiative Jugend debattiert in the Sachsen-Anhalt state parliament about how young people themselves rate the debate culture on the internet and why it's important to practice factual argumentation and responding to one another. There, young people met for a debating competition organized by Jugend debattiert. Every year, the initiative trains around 200,000 students to take a stand, give arguments, present criticism - against and with each other - in short: to debate. An annual competition gives them the chance to measure themselves against others. Click here to watch the video.
Workshop for Digitaltag 2022 - "Conducting debates fairly on the internet"
Whether in the family, at school or online - children and young people are confronted with different opinions and should learn early on how to debate every day and future issues fairly, objectively and constructively. But this needs to be practiced, because a good discussion needs rules. That's why Teachtoday is inviting educational professionals and adult companions of children and young people to the interactive workshop "Conducting Debates Online Fairly" as part of Digitaltag 2022. The workshop explains how young people can be introduced to fair argumentation/discussion and provides participants with accompanying materials. The workshop will be held in German. Places are limited, so register quickly and join us.
When: June 23, 2022, 4 – 5.30 pm
Where: online
Click here for registration!