
Only family doctors trusted with data by Germans

Did you know that the German public is aware that their car and home will be connected and yet they have no idea what the term "the Internet of things" means? And that the only place they feel their data is safe is with their family doctor? Peter Schaar, Germany's best known data privacy activist, reiterated in an interview with Deutsche Telekom Board Member Thomas Kremer that if digitization plows on full steam ahead "without taking account of society's fundamental values it could have very negative consequences."
Don't forget the second part of the interview where science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar had exciting things to say about Big Data and the power of algorithms. Graphs showing German opinions on data protection, a contribution on how Deutsche Telekom aims to reconcile digitization and data protection and an online guide with security tips for consumers round off this special issue. Enjoy the read!

Young woman meets Robot

Digital responsibility

Experts discuss about chances and risks of digitization.