
Christoph Schmitz-Dethlefsen

Member of the Supervisory Board since November 7, 2023, appointed until the shareholders' meeting 2028, Member of the ver.di National Executive Board, Head of Department for Financial Services, Communication and Technology, Culture, Supply and Disposal, Berlin

Christoph Schmitz-Dethlefsen, Member of the Supervisory Board Deutschen Telekom.

Member of the Supervisory Board Deutschen Telekom.

Year of birth: 1965
Place of birth: Kevelaer
Nationality: German

Career history:

Since 2019

National Executive Board, Unified Service Sector Union, ver.di, Berlin, Head of Department A Financial Services, Communication and Technology, Culture, Supply and Disposal and for the self-employed groups

2015 – 2019

Head of Policy in Department 1 and Secretary of the Federal Executive Board, ver.di, Berlin

2009 – 2015

Head of the Media Department in ver.di, Berlin

2006 – 2009

Press spokesperson and Head of the Media Department at the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group Bundestag, Be

2001 - 2006

Editor and chief reporter (from 2004) at the BILD capital city office in Berlin

1993 - 2001

Daily newspaper editor (local, regional, political news, parliamentary editorial office Berlin), Rheinische Post Düsseldorf

Education and training:

1991 – 1993

Traineeship, Rheinische Post Düsseldorf

1985 – 1991

Studied German language and literature, musicology, medieval and modern history at the University of Cologne 

1984 - 1985

Basic military service


A-levels at the Kardinal-von-Galen-Gymnasium Kevelaer

Expertise/Professional focal points:
Economic, financial and social policy, press and public relations as well as union representation.

Seats on the Deutsche Telekom supervisory bodies:
- General Committee
- Mediation Committee

Memberships of other supervisory boards required to be formed by law:
AXA Konzern AG, Köln

People at a conference table.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Telekom Group.