Member of the Supervisory Board since January 2, 2025, court elected until the 2025 Shareholders’ Meeting.
Year of birth: 1965 Place of birth: Heidelberg Nationality: German and Swedish
Career history:
Since 07/2018
Director-General responsible for Industrial Holdings, Federal Real Estate, and Privatisation in the Federal Ministry of Finance
2009 - 2018
In charge of various functions in the Federal Ministry of Finance, including executive office for Strategy and Policy Planning as well as Head of Holdings Management for Deutsche Telekom and other companies in which the Federal Republic of Germany has a stake
2007 - 2008
Head of the Policy, Coordination and Target Groups department in the SPD Party Executive Committee
2002 - 2007
Head of the Labour Market Policy and Labour Law division in the Federal Chancellery
1999 - 2002
Head of the Alliance for Jobs, Education and Competitiveness office in the Federal Chancellery
1997 - 1999
Assistant head of the International Labour Market Policy and Labour Market Research Division in the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
1992 - 1996
Research associate and head of the Bonn office of Member of the German Bundestag Dr. Konstanze Wegner
1989 - 1992
Research assistant and head of sociologist Lord Ralf Dahrendorf’s office at the University of Konstanz
Education and training:
Degree in public administration at the University of Konstanz
1986 - 1992
Degree program at the University of Konstance (Diplom-Verwaltungswissenschaft/public administration)
1984 - 1986
Degree program at the University of Mannheim (Diplom-Volkswirtschaftslehre/economics)
Expertise/Professional focal points: Corporate strategy and shareholdings management, telecommunications market and regulation, corporate governance and sustainability management, corporate financing and accounting, labor market and human resources policy, labor law and co-determination, public administration and economics
Seats on the Deutsche Telekom supervisory bodies: - General Committee - Strategy, ESG and Innovation Committee - Nomination Committee - Mediation Committee
Membership of other supervisory boards required to be formed by law: - Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH, Berlin - Bundesdruckerei Gruppe GmbH, Berlin - Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Bonn