In 2011, Deutsche Telekom created a group-wide framework for shaping relations between employees and companies, it was implemented worldwide in all units in compliance with their respective national laws. The Employee Relations Policy uses eleven core elements to describe what Deutsche Telekom as an employer stands for.
Each year, we conduct Employee Relations Policy (ERP) reviews at several national and international locations. Our first review this year took place on May 22 and 23, 2019 at T-Mobile Polska in Warsaw. The review included discussions with both management and individual employees. We also conducted an online employee survey in advance, which provided us with additional information.
Positive culture
Discussions during the on-site meeting showed that all elements of the ER policy had been successfully implemented. The guidelines are a living part of T-Mobile Polska's corporate culture, which receives attention through the annual "Guidelines Day". Other elements and campaigns, such as posters in the corridors, also enhance awareness of the guidelines.
The results showed that the company is characterized by a positive culture. Many employees are proud to work for T-Mobile Polska and have been with the company for decades. There are a variety of events throughout the year to inform all employees about a broad variety of topics and strategies. Open dialogue with its employees as well as freedom of expression and diversity are very important to the management at T-Mobile Polska. An open feedback culture is encouraged and exemplified by the management. This is evident, for example, in the topic of hiring. Appropriate procedures and training for employees ensure that the values of the guidelines are implemented.
Challenges are addressed
There are also various challenges: Recruiting qualified new employees, especially in IT, is one of them. T-Mobile Polska uses various channels to recruit and retain highly qualified IT experts. However, as competition on the Polish labour market becomes more intense, it is becoming more difficult to find people with the right qualifications and skills. In addition, recruitment processes are very time-consuming. This should be accelerated in the future. The number of applications from international applicants is also very low, which means that only a few international colleagues work in the entire workforce.
T-Mobile Polska will address the issue of digitization to the employees more actively. One future topic will be to encourage employees more actively for the digital training opportunities instead of on-site training. It is important that employees are aware of new digital ways of working. Issues such as the implementation of new working models for example agile working in the digital age and the acquisition of new skills for employees will become even more important in the future. These measures require intensive support from supervisors and managers. T-Mobile Polska also faces the challenge of ensuring a balanced work-life in its workforce. They have already initiatives in place to address this topic.
In general, it can be said that the core elements of the ER Policy are implemented into the everyday life and are known of most employees. Despite numerous restructuring measures, the employees have a positive attitude towards T-Mobile Polska as an employer, the positive team spirit and the cooperation between management and employees get praised.