Corporate Responsibility

Katja Kunicke


"We want to build bridges"

In 2018 alone, Deutsche Telekom has made more than 400 job offers to refugees. The company has been active in refugee aid for the last three years. Integration into the labor market has been a focus of this activity for some time.

Telekom offers more than 400 job positions to refugees in 2018.

Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Group Corporate Responsibility / Human Resource (left) and Barbara Costanzo, project manager „Deutsche Telekom helps Refugees" (middle) together with three refugees, who seek professional training at Deutsche Telekom.

Alongside internships and apprenticeships, the company's "Praktikum PLUS Direkteinstieg" (Internship PLUS direct entry) provides an option with an incremental start in a job. An internship phase is followed by a two-year fixed-term employment contract. This is intended first and foremost for refugees who face difficulty entering the labor market due to interruptions in their employment history or incomplete documentation of professional qualifications.

Deutsche Telekom has offered 420 of these positions to refugees in 2018. The aim of this is to ensure that long-term integration is successful for these refugees. "Working means a whole lot more than just earning money. It is the start of normality, and one of the most important factors leading to integration in a society," says Barbara Costanzo, Vice President Group Social Engagement and project leader for "Deutsche Telekom supports refugees."

"There is no place for racism at Deutsche Telekom"

In the current situation of political uncertainty and growing fears that society is not well placed to deal with the challenges of the future, the CEO of Deutsche Telekom, Timotheus Höttges, calls for us to stand by our convictions and to remain open to other cultures and religions: "It is up to us to reach out to one another. We can all build bridges.” In terms of Deutsche Telekom, Tim Höttges says, "A company like ours needs diversity and open-mindedness. Our corporate culture depends on our employees having an attitude to one another that is characterized by humanity and solidarity. There is no place for racism at Deutsche Telekom."


Responsible Employer

As a responsible employer, DT maintains cooperative and sustainable working relationships with employees.