- Group to cover 100 percent of their electricity needs with renewable energies by 2021
- Target for CO2 emissions in 2030 to be 90 percent lower than in 2017
- T-Mobile US included in the climate protection target
Deutsche Telekom takes climate protection seriously and has adopted a new, ambitious climate target: The Group is aiming to achieve a 100 percent use of electricity (Scope 2) from renewable energy sources as early as 2021. We will also reduce other emissions from gas, oil, and other sources of energy (Scope 1). By 2030, we are planning to reduce our CO2 emissions by 90 percent compared to 2017. We are also focusing on emissions from the supply chain and that our customers generate when using our products and solutions (Scope 3): By 2030, the Group’s objective is to reduce the CO2 emissions per customer by 25 percent compared to 2017. In the future, T-Mobile US will also be included in the Group climate protection target.
DT is taking its responsibility seriously
“We want to build the future, not obstruct it”, says Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom. “Climate protection is one of the key challenges of our age. With the new targets for the period 2021-2030, we are taking our responsibility seriously and are acting decisively, quickly and, at the same time, in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, this sends an important signal to our customers because sustainability is becoming increasingly important as a purchasing criterion.”
“The effects of climate change on nature, people, and companies are already apparent today. Broad segments of society are worried by occurring extreme weather events such as storms, floodings or heat waves. For many years, Deutsche Telekom has been working to make its business operations more climate-friendly by building new, more energy-efficient data centers for instance”, says Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President Group Corporate Responsibility.
Digital solutions can promote energy-efficient processes and conserve resources
However, climate protection also provides Deutsche Telekom with business opportunities. Many of our digital solutions can promote energy-efficient processes and conserve resources for both corporate customers as well as private individuals. Thanks to cloud computing, customers can do without their own servers and storage media for instance. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can use these solutions to reduce their emissions on average by 21 metric tons of CO2 a year. Products such as smart household devices can help people to contribute towards climate protection in their private lives for instance.
Our previous climate target of decreasing Group-wide emissions by 20 percent by 2020 compared to 2008 will continue to apply until next year. The Group is on track to meet this target.
About Deutsche Telekom: Deutsche Telekom at a glance