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As Sr. Solution Sales SAP you position T-Systems in the market as a leader in multi-cloud services, SAP on any cloud and industry-specific digital solutions provider. You design and orchestrate demand generation for SAP business and develop and drive new business opportunities within the market. You are the central point in the SAP ecosystem and work in close collaboration with the Account Managers and New Business Sales. Next to that, you are responsible for acquiring new SAP logos and business.

Every day you analyze and identify market and growth potential, while managing the whole deal process from lead generation, initiation of strategic selling activities through to closure. To thrive in this role you must be in possession of, maintain and develop a large network of relationships with relevant internal and external parties and identify, recognize and create opportunities. In addition, you must have a proven track record in overachieving sales targets, build and mature opportunities, and bringing these to closure through strategic account, sales, and opportunity plans in the ERP and preferably SAP domain.


We are looking for a candidate who has experience with the following:

  • Broad understanding of the ICT Market, challenging customers, bring innovation and inspiration (particularly in the areas of SAP/ERP, multi-cloud services, digital solutions and transformation).
  • Proven track record in an ICT sales environment and can demonstrate prior results in relevant areas; with a proven track record in SAP/ERP Sales. In addition, recent experience in successful sales of Azure/AWS/Google.
  • Ensure offering and contracting of internal (service) and external parties (customers), within agreed pricing and margins and in collaboration with internal parties, negotiate and conclude contracts, to formalize arrangements and to provide insight into the agreements.
  • Communication at CxO and senior director level with excellent analytical and negotiation skills.
  • Guide the customers in their SAP digital journey.
  • Excellent Dutch and English language speaking and writing skills. Knowledge of the German language is advantageous.

Please note that employee screening is part of the procedure and only applicants living in NL with work permit will be taken into consideration


Was wir bieten

  • Homeoffice/Mobile Working möglich

    Egal ob im Büro oder von einem anderen Ort - mobiles Arbeiten ist bei uns kein Problem. Die Arbeit im Homeoffice gehört zu unserem beruflichen Alltag und wird durch digitale Plattformen unterstützt.

  • Dienst-/Firmenwagen

    Genau das Richtige für alle, die gerne auf vier Rädern unterwegs sind - in diesem Job steht ein Dienst-/Firmenwagen zur Verfügung.

  • Kantine am Standort

    Gesundes Essen in guter Gesellschaft - unsere Kantinen machen es möglich. Hier lässt sich bequem und nur wenige Minuten vom Arbeitsplatz entfernt aus einer großen Auswahl an warmen und kalten Speisen auswählen.

  • Weiterbildungsangebote

    Lebenslanges Lernen ist für uns unverzichtbar. Ob vor Ort oder digital. Wir bieten eine große Anzahl an Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten - vom Seminar bis hin zum berufsbegleitenden Studium.

  • Betriebliche Altersvorsorge

    Gut aufgestellt im Alter - wir bieten eine betriebliche Altersvorsorge und zahlen abhängig von Alter und Einkommen unserer Mitarbeiter*innen regelmäßig auf ein persönliches Versorgungskonto ein.

  • Bonuszahlung

    Geld macht nicht glücklich, aber es beruhigt die Nerven. Neben einem attraktiven Gehalt sind in diesem Job auch Bonuszahlungen möglich.

  • Urlaubsgeld

    Endlich Urlaub - damit unsere Mitarbeiter*innen ihre freie Zeit in vollen Zügen genießen können, stocken wir die Reisekasse mit einem Zuschuss auf.

Über uns

Über uns

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations across industries are embracing digital transformation to stay competitive, enhance agility, and meet evolving customer and citizen demands. SAP customers are faced with many questions: the benefits, the right strategy, the timing of the change, the costs, the risks and, above all, the right partner for SAP end-to-end services as a "one-stop shop". In doing so, we take on holistic responsibility from conception and implementation to application management and SAP system operation on various cloud platforms. Become part of this strategic sales team and help shape the future of our customers.

As premium Rise Supplier, T-Systems offers a comprehensive suite of digital solutions designed to address these challenges either through the hyper scalers like Azure, AWS, Google or on the T-Systems sovereign cloud. T-Systems is empowering businesses to unlock new opportunities, streamline processes, and achieve sustainable growth. T-Systems is committed to partnering with clients on their digital transformation journey.

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Sonja van Bommel

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