Martina Morawietz

Martina Morawietz

Telekom Blogger

Martina likes networking on connected things: She is a fan of successfully digitized companies. No blind belief in progress: Martina has a soft spot for standardization and security.

Articles by Martina Morawietz

Your choice

Illustration telephone angel (global office)


AI for global office’s telephone angels

global offce GmbH has been using the AI-supported chat bot solution Conversational AI Suite from Deutsche Telekom.

Illustration: Highway with heavy weight trucks.


T-Systems builds toll route in Alsace

T-Systems, together with GEA, has won the contract to set up and operate a satellite-based system for truck tolling in Alsace.

T Challenge key visual.


Apply now: AI Innovation for Telecom

With their international T Challenge, Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile US award prizes to startups.

Hand holds smartphone. A small robot with a headset and speech bubbles around its head hovers above the display.


AI on the phone

The perfect customer service with voice assistants with Conversational AI.

simultaneous interpreters from Deutsche Telekom: Real-time subtitling and translation into more than 100 languages.


Inclusion and innovation

With Deutsche Telekom's simultaneous translator, DLG subtitles its events in real time. Translation into more than 100 languages possible.