


Take a stand – also in gaming!

"GG WP" is a typical parting phrase in chats of many online games. Just like giving each other a high-five in soccer, it is part of playing a fair online game to give each other a "Good Game, Well Played". It is no coincidence that the gaming project of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation in cooperation with Forschungsgruppe Modellprojekte e.V. (a German research group) has included this abbreviation for a respectful game in its name.

Mick Prinz.

"Our project is intended to convey a clear stance: There must be a strong civil society in gaming!" emphasizes Mick Prinz.

"Good Gaming - Well Played Democracy" aims to sensitize the public to the fact that group-focused enmity  - such as racism, sexism, anti-semitism or islamophobia - also exists in gaming communities. This is perhaps surprising at first, if one assumes that people only play games on the platforms. So it happens, that there is often a lack of clear stance and resistance when racist or sexist comments appear. In a scientific study by the U.S. organization Anti-Defamation League, almost 40 percent of respondents said they had experienced harassment in online games based on their origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. So it's not just a matter of venting one's anger over losing a game. We also encounter strategic hate in gaming communities. Particularly gaming contexts offer an "interesting platform especially for right-wing extremists," according to Mick Prinz, head of the Good Gaming - Well Played Democracy project." Why? "The networking of right-wing groups run particularly effectively on gaming platforms such as Steam, Discord or Twitch. They use gaming networks to spread conspiracy ideologies and racist narratives."

What does the project stand for?

In 2020, Mick Prinz and his team started the gaming project to analyze how right-wing alternative movements increasingly try to stir up inhuman sentiment on gaming platforms on the one hand, and to take action in cooperation with the gaming communities on the other. "Our offers are consultations for gaming networks and developer studios, workshops and campaign work. With our own pedagogical concept, "Digital Streetwork", we reach young gamers directly on the platforms with the help of online social workers and get in touch with them." Mick Prinz and his team not only address the gaming communities directly in their work, but also publishers, organizers of gaming trade fairs, and influencers. The goal is to address various facets of group-based misanthropy together with the communities of various networks. "Our project is intended to convey a clear stance: There must be a strong civil society in gaming!" emphasizes Mick Prinz. 

Active together against hate in gaming

Along with 44 partners, including the "Good Gaming - Well Played Democracy" project, Telekom is campaigning for an internet free from hate. You can find out more about Telekom's offerings on gaming for the various target groups on the "Media sure! But secure" page. Would you like to learn more about hate in gaming and actively combat it yourself? Then take a look at the recording of the webinar "Games against Hate" by "Good Gaming - Well Played Democracy" in cooperation with Digitale Helden (available in German only). There you will get background information and tips on how to take a stand.

Digital Crime, Episode 3 - Hate in Gaming

Hate in Gaming - When the Fun Ends

Hate and discrimination are not only a problem among hobby gamers, but also in professional eSports.