
Telekom: Security can only be achieved together

Cyber criminals are growing more cunning. They often attack their targets using malware specifically designed with the attack in mind, making them particularly difficult to uncover. Targets that bury their head in the sand are more likely to become victims. Conversely, sharing information and communicating transparently is an important step towards functioning security. Deutsche Telekom pays attention to five aspects of such transparency.  

Keeping pace with the criminals

It can often take weeks or even months before individuals or companies realize they have been the victim of a cyber crime. That gives the cyber criminals a lot of time to abuse hijacked private devices for cyber attacks or to steal vital information from corporate networks.  As soon as the Deutsche Telekom Abuse Team learns that a client's personal computer is distributing malicious code it informs the affected person and offers support to solve the security breach. For companies, Telekom also offers special solutions, some of which even come from its own Cyber Defense Center:  new analysis tools help recognize behavior patterns that point to a cyber attack and facilitate rapid counteraction. Real time recognition is the order of the day.


Having a dialog on the dangers on the net and possible defenses can help develop new and effective strategies and solutions in the fight against Internet crime. That is why Deutsche Telekom is open to dialog with a range of German and international Computer Emergency Response Teams and other institutions and academic bodies. And in order to elevate cyber security to boardroom level, the Munich Security Conference and Deutsche Telekom offer what has now become an international platform - the Cyber Security Summit. This annual event brings together high-ranking representatives from academia, politics, the economy and the military to discuss current challenges in cyberspace. It looks at topics such as the development of standards and rules for cyberspace and combating cyber terrorism.

Making threats transparent

Cyber criminals are hiding somewhere, but tracking them down in the real world is nigh mission impossible, so perfectly do they conceal their tracks on the World Wide Web.  You never see the attacker, you often do not notice the attack itself. Anyone with a false sense of security should take a look at the "Sicherheitstacho" (security dashboard). This portal shows attacks in cyberspace in real time: every day approximately 180 Telekom sensors on the Internet, called honeypots, record around four to six million attacks from . As well as the sort of attack, the Sicherheitstacho shows what countries are particularly hard hit by attacks and where at least the last stage of the attack originates.

Taking the threat seriously

Cyber security has gained prominence in the public consciousness in recent years because of media reports on hacks, stolen access data and NSA spying.  Deutsche Telekom has been conducting public opinion surveys on security for six years now. Once a year, the public opinion institute IfD Allensbach is commissioned by T-Systems in cooperation with the Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung to carry out a representative study on personal risk assessments. Deutsche Telekom publishes the results online as part of the Security Report.

Professionalizing security

To better arm all customers, from private individuals to major corporations, against cyber attacks Deutsche Telekom is currently expanding its "Telekom Security" unit. As part of this, the "Magenta Security Portfolio" is growing constantly. In fact, a new security solution for SMEs on the cloud was presented recently. The portfolio also includes an early warning solution against attacks on smartphones.

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