
Robots aren't just patient assembly line workers. They're also used in many other situations, for example, as monk, croupier, surgeon or police officer. But can a thing made of metal and wires and powered by external energy sources achieve self-awareness? Or even develop feelings?

We spoke with Ken Goldberg, Professor of Robotics at the University of California, Berkeley, about the concept of singularity and about what makes us humans human. Goldberg says, "robots inspire us, because as we realize how robots fall short, we gain a new appreciation for the amazing abilities of humans."

In addition to the video interview with Prof. Goldberg, our current special also features the following content about the relationship between man and machine: A blog entry on Robo Sapiens, a story about Japanese citizen Tomoni Ota and her "companion", Pepper the robot, a slide show and a graphic and a video of "robot fails".

Enjoy the videos and these informative articles!

Young woman meets Robot

Digital responsibility

Experts discuss about chances and risks of digitization.