Vita: Notker Wolf
Dr. Notker Wolf OSB, born 1940 in Bad Grönenbach/Allgäu, Germany, joined the Benedictine mission in St. Ottilien in 1961.
He studied Philosophy at the order’s own college of San Anselmo in Rome, and then continued his higher education in Theology and Natural Sciences at the LMU Munich. He was ordained a priest in 1968, and in 1971 he returned to San Anselmo in Rome to serve as Professor of the Philosophy of Nature and Scientific Theory. From 1977-2000 he was Archabbot of St. Ottilien and Abbot Primate of the St. Ottilien Benedictine Confederation worldwide. From 2000-2016 he served as Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Order in Rom, and is now fulfilling duties again in St. Ottilien. Dr. Notker has also written a number of bestsellers. In his spare time he enjoys playing the transverse flute, electric guitar and learning foreign languages.