
Our Teachtoday initiative supports children, young people, parents, grandparents, and teachers by providing practical tips and materials on how to use media safely and proficiently. The offering is available in seven different languages (German, English, Croatian, Montenegrin, Polish, Romanian, and Hungarian) at www.teachtoday.de.

To promote remote learning in particular, Teachtoday is equipped with a digital toolbox It offers over 100 formats to promote the democracy and media literacy of young people between the ages of nine to twelve as well as 13 to 16: The initiative includes project ideas, video tutorials, exciting quizzes, and brief learning units. It is aimed at learning groups, school pupils, parents, and teachers.

Teachtoday also has its own YouTube channel with short catchy videos about safe, proficient internet use, data privacy, and how truthful people are online.


The SCROLLER children’s media magazine is geared specifically to children aged nine to twelve to improve their media literacy. Switching to an interactive online format has opened up new opportunities such as audio material, direct links as well as additional material available for download so that Scroller can be used even better in class and in homeschooling situations.


The #TAKEPART stories is our initiative that takes a practical look at issues relevant to society and transfers them into an offering for multipliers. The initiative demonstrates opportunities to participate and act responsibly on the internet and encourages a critical examination of topics. Consequently, the initiative contributes towards our aspiration to take part and be involved in the opportunities afforded by digitalization. Didactic formats are used and implemented in the form of innovative modules when the content is developed. The modules are available in German, English, and simplified language and are used for workshops of varying lengths. Regardless of how complex a topic is, we believe it is vital for the user to decide themselves whether it is important for them. We take care of the appropriate language and didactic preparation of the material.

Various modules addressing the main topic “no hate speech”: digital democracy, online opinion-making, digital civil courage, gaming – where the fun ends are also available in the #TAKEPART stories. Other digital world topics such as digital friendship/digital loneliness, and living in the city of the future are also addressed.