Illustration for NatCo in France with country flag.

Corporate Responsibility

Employee relations at T-Systems France

An Employee Relations Policy (ER Policy) review has been performed on September 14th to 16th at T-Systems France premises in Paris and Toulouse including many bilateral talks with employees.

On-site reviews are performed on a regular basis at different units of Deutsche Telekom AG to ensure that the globally implemented ER Policy is brought to life and important employee standards are ensured.

Comprehensive restructuring measures

T-Systems France (TSF) faces a very challenging environment in the local market and has to keep up with large market leaders in a very competitive market. During the last years T-Systems France went through comprehensive restructuring measures in order to stay competitive.

Employee satisfaction

Despite many positive activities initiated by the local HR team, the degree of the employee satisfaction has been dominated by the necessary personnel measures. Especially the employee satisfaction in the Systems Integration Aerospace business unit in Toulouse is not at the aspired level because of the current market conditions.

Health and safety measures

However, the review analysis as well as talks with employees confirmed that T-Systems France successfully implemented and continues to implement many elements of the ER Policy. The implementation of ER Policy is still ongoing. Adequate health and safety measures, risk prevention and work-life options are in place. Many employees have the option to work from home a maximum of 2 days per week, if position and situation allow this. The workforce encompasses 25 different citizenships and meets all aspects of diversity. TSF female percentage on executive level exceeds by far those of other units. Performance and recruitment processes are in place and training investments go beyond French legal obligations.

New communication processes

Managing Director Jean-Paul Alibert had already set up in 2014 several new communication processes through which employees can channel their questions and raise concerns. The 3-4 annual all employee meetings as well as monthly all staff calls are well accepted.

Follow up discussions

In 2015 several signs indicate a positive turn around, especially the newly signed deal with Colas was perceived enthusiastically by employees. The board of management acts very responsibly and things should gradually brighten up. As a standard procedure there will be follow up discussions between headquarter and local management on how the workforce can further be strengthened so it can thrive at its best.


Responsible Employer

As a responsible employer, DT maintains cooperative and sustainable working relationships with employees.