Regular reviews in national and international units of Deutsche Telekom Group are an essential part of monitoring the groupwide Employee Relations (ER) Policy.
Review candidates are selected via a detailed analysis of pre-defined KPI’s. Since TS Iberia is affected by almost every ongoing international measure and experienced many organizational changes during recent years, Group Headquarter visited the Barcelona office on June 21/22 2016. After several years of loss TS Iberia successfully managed the positive turnaround last year in a highly competitive market and is planning to increase its market share. The Board of Management has been very stable over the last years. Discussions with management as well as bilateral talks with employees confirmed that the ER Policy is implemented and respected. For example references to Deutsche Telekom’s Guiding Principles can be found in the local intranet and are part of new employee’s welcome packages. ER Policy elements such as training, recognition, diversity, non-discrimination and accessible grievance mechanism are confirmed to work well.
Overall, employees demonstrate a strong identification and loyalty with their company. Especially the local “Smart Working Policy” which allows employees flexible working and partially working from home as well as several social benefits are highly appreciated. Work spirit and atmosphere are good, but many colleagues expressed that the downsizing rounds of the last years left traces in the workforce.
The health rate is at 97,7 percent, which is a very good level. Offerings i.e. for psychological assistance and physiotherapy are available and used. Teams and management are diverse and represent 38 different nations.
TS Iberia’s “Equality Plan”, a set of measures in order to achieve equal treatment and abolishment of all discrimination on grounds of gender, is very advanced in terms of the elimination of harassment. The plan could well be used as a best practice for other international units. The recruiting campaign “Choca esos cinco!” encourages employees to recommend friends as potential candidates. If a match is successful the employee receives a benefit.
The social dialogue, relations with unions generally work well. A “Stable Table of Labor Relations” functions as a regular body for dialogue, negotiation and adoption of agreements on general topics with the four main unions. A collective agreement is in place for the majority of employees.
In sum, TS Iberia brings all the different elements of the ER Policy successfully “to life”.