
Frequently asked questions

FAQs on climate protection

Deutsche Telekom has been actively committed to climate protection since the 1990s. We are constantly reducing our environmental footprint and also offering our customers more and more sustainable products and services. 

For instance, Deutsche Telekom customers can surf a “green network,” with the company’s electricity requirements worlwide being sourced solely from renewable energy. What is more, Deutsche Telekom’s data center is one of the most efficient in the world, consuming around 30 percent less energy than conventional data centers. 

In and of itself, consuming energy is not necessarily bad for the climate. The important thing is the source of the energy. That’s why Deutsche Telekom is committed to covering all of its energy needs worldwide with renewables. 

Another important factor is that new technologies also have big resource-conserving potential. Videoconferences, for instance, can replace business travel. 

In order to limit global warming, Deutsche Telekom has adopted ambitious climate targets. Until the end of 2025 we want to be climate-neutral regarding our own emissions (Scope 1 and 2). To this end, we are going to reduce our worldwide emissions by up to 95 percent. The remaining emissions from our carbon footprint will be neutralized. For this, we are concentrating on offsetting measures aimed at long-term removal of carbon from the atmosphere, such as afforestation. We want to be climate neutral by 2040 at the latest and leave no CO2 footprint. In March 2023, we set ourselves a new, ambitious interim goal on our path to climate neutrality: by 2030, we want to have cut our CO2 emissions by 55 percent compared to 2020.

In order to achieve all this, we are implementing a large number of different measures – from climate-friendly products and sustainable Telekom Shops through to IT and network infrastructure, and energy-efficient buildings and mobility.

Our basic principle is to ensure that all our products and services are climate-friendly and conserve resources. That’s why the Speedport Pro router and new MagentaTV box, for example, are made from recycled plastic. What is more, the packaging of all of our new proprietary products is eco-friendly. 

We have introduced the labels #GreenMagenta and #GoodMagenta to draw attention to products and offerings that are especially ecological and sustainable. A case in point is our sustainable end device cycle: selected devices are professionally processed and can be re-marketed to consumers at attractive prices. The packaging used is 100 percent biodegradable as well.

We are also pushing renting as an alternative to buying. Rental services conserve resources, reduce the volume of electronic waste, and thus avoid carbon emissions. When a contract is canceled, the devices are returned and then either re-rented or professionally recycled.