
René Bresgen


Deutsche Telekom supports the #NieWiederIstJetzt initiative of German business against hatred of Jews. "Never again!" is the commitment of every individual. We too say #NieWiederIstJetzt.


#NieWiederIstJetzt © Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom stands against any form of hatred and anti-Semitism. The company therefore ask everyone to join in standing in solidarity with our fellow Jewish citizens in our company and in our country. There must be no place for hatred of Jews. "Never again!" is the obligation of every individual.

For this reason, Deutsche Telekom support the current #NieWiederIstJetzt campaign by German business against hatred of Jews. In an ad, companies are calling on people to stand in solidarity with Jews in Germany. More than 100 companies support the initiative. Deutsche Telekom used its digital channels to raise awareness of the campaign. These involvement brings further attention to this important cause.

The initiative deliberately refers to a declaration in this politically heated situation. It limits itself to what we can all do at the moment: We can help to ensure that hatred of Jews and anti-Semitism do not stand a chance in Germany by clearly supporting our Jewish fellow citizens. It is not a matter of taking a position on the Middle East conflict. Rather, it is the responsibility of each individual to counter hatred against Jewish fellow citizens in the workplace and in everyday life. 

Deutsche Telekom stands for tolerance and openness and for what unites people, societies and cultures. The company has publicly and transparently committed through its Code of Conduct and its Diversity Policy not to tolerate both direct and indirect discrimination in any form, whether politically, religiously or socially motivated, whether based on origin, nationality, social status or skin color. It does not tolerate unethical and immoral behavior, any form of harassment, insult, denigration or agitation and, of course, the violation of the dignity and rights of others.

Girl holding flowers to her eyes.

Corporate Responsibility

Information about the ecological and social commitment of Deutsche Telekom.