
Verena Fulde


What is Telekom doing in terms of innovation?

Just recently I had another conversation about this question. When I talked about Large Language Models, the AI Phone of from our Quantum Lab, the eyes of the people I was talking to became very wide: "What's going on over there?"


The innovation narrative: With us you stay up to date.

It's clear that we're at the forefront of new network technologies, that's what most people expect from Telekom. But that we are committed to "GoodTech", i.e. human-friendly technology, for example, that we have scouting offices for new trends and partners in Tel Aviv, Shenzhen and San Francisco; that we conduct research and development in our own Telekom Innovation Laboratories; that we have a Design Gallery ... All this comes as a surprise to many. Maybe also because we don't talk about it often enough.

We want to change that with the new special at Here we report on our world of innovation in a colorful, moving and entertaining way.

For example:

So if you want to stay "up to date", then check back often.

And please also write us in the comments below, which topics you are still interested in. We are happy about feedback!

Have fun surfing


Innovations with people at the center

We align our technological developments with people. In a simple formula, this means that our products must benefit people and not harm them.