The sun shines through a the leaves in the forest

In modern enterprises sustainability is stand-of-the-art

Creating connections, with the environment too, of course

We believe there are several aspects to sustainability. Our own inward-facing actions and our outward-facing influence. As a company, we use regenerative resources and are also reducing emissions from the use of our products. So, together with our customers, Magenta is becoming greener.

three people playing ball in a field of sunflowers
three people playing ball in a field of sunflowers
three people playing ball in a field of sunflowers

An award for us, a reward for all.

We did it! 🎉 The 16th German Sustainability Award is not only Germany’s most prestigious award for exemplary ecological and social performance – for us it is a special confirmation of our ongoing commitment to sustainability in the telecommunications industry.
It is not only the huge recognition for our Magenta team and their relentless work, but also also a joint award to our customers who recognize and use our many sustainability initiatives and products. All of this is the reason we can proudly call ourselves the most sustainable telecommunications company in Germany. The jury awarded our work in the following categories:

  1. Society: in the areas of digital access, education, data privacy and consumer protection
  2. Climate: climate-friendly operation, climate footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
  3. Resources: circular economy/circular solutions

German Sustainability Award

Man talking on a mobile phone and holding a branch from a tree
Man talking on a mobile phone and holding a branch from a tree
Man talking on a mobile phone and holding a branch from a tree

Green with a capital G

Sustainability is an essential part of our actions, because we know the influence of our products on our customers and our environment. For around two decades, we have been committed to environmental and climate protection. And we have been successful in this, with continuously revised goals.

  • 1995: Our first environment program included measures to reduce energy consumption and to improve energy efficiency. 
  • 2013: We set a Group-wide CO₂ reduction target that we achieved as scheduled at the end of 2020 and exceeded by around 60 percent.
  • 2021: Board of Management compensation is linked to the calculation of climate targets.

Corporate-Responsibility-Report 2023

A man standing in a vineyard works on a dashboard
A man standing in a vineyard works on a dashboard
A man standing in a vineyard works on a dashboard

Making green measurable

We have breathed life into projects that help us to measure and control sustainability. This allows us to see the effects and success of our measures. We also give our customers the same opportunity so that we – together – can design the entire digital transformation sustainably.

With Syrah Sustainability, we have developed a configurable Sustainability Goals Dashboard together with 20 Spanish municipalities, which is used as an SaaS solution for the analysis of “Big Data” in the private and public sector. This
means the achievement of municipal sustainability goals can be surveyed and monitored, progress is made visible and the potential of sustainability measures becomes transparent.

Measurement and control of sustainable targets

Job search 1260 Professional positions available in Germany!

  • IT-Security, Consulting = both terms are included
  • IT-Security Consulting = one of the two terms is included
  • "IT-Security Consulting" = both terms are included in exactly this spelling/order

Our locations

We offer attractive entry-level jobs and opportunities at locations throughout Germany. Exciting professional challenges are waiting for you nearby. So not only do we offer you professional development; we also offer you regional development.
