Individual leadership development

A man with glasses

Your development opportunities as a leader

We are on our way to become Leading Digital Telco and our leaders take a crucial role in driving the digital transformation. For us, leadership means taking responsibility and courageously breaking new ground. We believe in trust and caring performance.

Individual leadership development

Our leaders are lifelong learners to master the challenges of the future. We offer our leaders targeted and individual development opportunities to grow and to keep up with latest trends and technologies. Also, we see our leaders as role-models inspiring their teams and people to be curious and stay ahead of the game.

Our Leadership Anchors

Our Leadership Anchors guide us towards our vision to become Leading Digital Telco. They build on our Guiding Principles and describe the organizational expectations of how leaders should act and represent the business. They provide orientation and support and further, they form one Group wide leadership framework.


The Leadership Anchors build on our Guiding Principles and are the expectations how we envision leadership at Telekom.

Living Leadership Culture

The challenges for today's leaders are diverse with a constantly changing environment, increasing market pressure, and changing requirements of our customers as well as our employees and teams. That is why we invest and strive to support our leaders in overcoming the challenges. Networking opportunities, collaboration models to break down silos, development offerings to enable lifelong learning are just some of the aspects we provide. 


Change is the driving force in today’s world and business. Our leaders take a crucial role shaping this change. With levelUP! Telekom's Leadership Hub, we offer best support with targeted learning opportunities on current topics and challenges along the six Leadership Anchors. From a range of live sessions, videos, tools and exclusive training courses, leaders can choose individually and flexibly formats and content to take their leadership skills to the next level.

Throughout Germany: job offers for professionals

Use your chance to push forward your professional career with an attractive job at Telekom. We give you the freedom to make a big impact with your topic.

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