
Would you have thought that you could identify yourself with your voice on the Telekom hotline? Or that the way you walk would one day open doors in offices?

An open front door and a doormat with the writing "Hello".

New technologies open doors - and simplify everyday life.

No more dreams of the future: The Telekom hotline recognizes customers who want it by their voice. Background: For security reasons, anyone contacting customer service by phone has had to identify themselves with their customer number or contract password up to now. It's easier with the voice: Characteristics such as pronunciation, rhythm, speed, accent and many more result in an unmistakable voice pattern. The technology behind this is called voice biometrics. Telekom is the first telecommunications company in Germany to offer this service. You can find out more here

As unique as a fingerprint - what applies to language applies equally to the human gait. "Why not use this uniqueness", said the neXenio GmbH. The Berlin IT start-up develops solutions for the workplace of the future. It combined the gait with motion sensors in smartphones. This results in a clear pattern. It can be used to enter the office or the company premises. Or to check in at the airport. Details can be found here