


Verena Fulde


Security, subjective in Israel and Germany: How automatic is data security?

"Data security is important." Most Internet users would likely respond "Yes!" to this statement quite intuitively. But why? And how important is data security really?

We take a closer look at this question in our special edition, speaking to Konstantin von Notz (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen spokesperson for Internet policy) and Eyal Balicer (former head of the Research and Analysis Division at Israel's National Cyber Bureau).

Balicer thinks Israelis also see the topic as very important on the whole, but less when it comes to their personal behavior, such as the use of apps: "The general public need to understand that these products have security gaps and that security is more important than ease of use." Von Notz goes even further. He thinks that "Data security is fundamental for trust in the digital world on both sides of the Atlantic". The topic is of pivotal importance to how we understand the rule of law. "If, in the digital world, you want to stake a moral claim against North Korea, China or Russia that yours is a state governed by the rule of law, then you need to uphold the principles of the rule of law, which applied in the analog world, in the digital world too. Otherwise you are calling the entire digital transformation into question."  
Beside these interviews you find this content in our special:

  • Hackers inspire filmmakers. Our "click trail" presents a few examples
  • How does the role of Germany in the European cyber security scene look like? Our text provides information
  • Overview of the activities of Telekom in relation to cyber security

I hope you enjoy the special

Verena Fulde 

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Digital responsibility

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